The Highest Scoring Soccer Match of All Time: A Record-Breaking Tale

Soccer is one of the most beloved sports in the world, and it has given us some of the most thrilling matches in history. But which game holds the record for the highest scoring match ever? The answer is a match between AS Adema and Stade Olympique l’Emyrne, which took place in Madagascar in 2002. The match was part of the Madagascar National Championship, and it was a one-sided affair from the start. AS Adema scored an incredible 149 goals, making it the highest scoring soccer match ever recorded, while Stade Olympique l’Emyrne failed to score a single goal. The final score was 149-0, making it the highest scoring soccer match ever recorded.The match was shrouded in controversy, as it was later revealed that Stade Olympique l’Emyrne had deliberately lost the match in protest against a refereeing decision in a previous game.

Who Invented Soccer?The team had been docked points for an alleged infringement, and they decided to take matters into their own hands by losing the match by such a large margin. The result was later annulled by the Madagascar Football Federation, and AS Adema were stripped of their title. However, the record still stands as the highest scoring soccer match ever. This remarkable game has become something of a legend in soccer circles, and it serves as a reminder of just how unpredictable and exciting the sport can be. It also serves as a warning to teams not to take matters into their own hands when it comes to protesting refereeing decisions.

Sue Ayars
Sue Ayars

Wannabe travel fanatic. Freelance bacon fan. Incurable sushi trailblazer. Friendly music junkie. Infuriatingly humble zombie junkie.