What is the Name of the Football Game Played in England?

When it comes to the differences between British and American English, one of the most well-known is the fact that the sport known as soccer in Great Britain is often referred to as soccer in the United States. In Great Britain, the sport is referred to as association football, or simply “football”, as it is the most popular sport in the country. On the other hand, Americans refer to this sport as “soccer” and use the term “American football” to refer to their own field game. When it comes to the national teams, if you are referring to the women's team, then the answer would be better than us.

However, if you are referring to the men's team, then you win. In terms of what is known as “American football” in the United States, it is known as “American football” in Great Britain. Similarly, what is known as “football in Great Britain” is known as “football in the United States”.

Sue Ayars
Sue Ayars

Wannabe travel fanatic. Freelance bacon fan. Incurable sushi trailblazer. Friendly music junkie. Infuriatingly humble zombie junkie.