Which Sport is Harder: Baseball or Soccer?

When it comes to the debate of which sport is the most difficult, opinions are always biased. Every sport has its own unique difficulty, as some parts are more challenging than others. Baseball takes the crown of the toughest sport, as it requires players to deal with failure and make perfect and fast plays. On the other hand, soccer is arguably the most physically exhausting American sport, and some teams dominate the game.

To understand the beauty of baseball and why it's better than soccer, here are 25 reasons. Firstly, baseball is a “game of inches”, meaning that players must be prepared to make perfect and fast plays. In addition, minor league baseball makes it easier and more fun to watch rookies play compared to soccer. Moreover, baseball coaches have metal balls compared to soccer coaches.

Furthermore, both sports use instant replays, but in the case of soccer, it appears mainly for similar goals and plays. Moreover, baseball players don't necessarily have to be in such good shape as they can gain a lot of weight while they can bat. On the other hand, soccer players have to run a lot and work as a team. Additionally, it's much more difficult to pitch a perfect game or a game without batting than it is to get a close in soccer.

In addition, both football and baseball have existed for a long time and, over this time, obviously, there have been changes. Every stadium has its own personality that can only be seen by those who truly appreciate this sport. Moreover, connecting with pitches is impressive but having to get the ball in between, in front of or above the defenders makes it even more difficult. Furthermore, both sports have World Series games but soccer games are held once every four years.

Lastly, I don't like watching soccer games since most of the time a penalty is what decides the winner. In conclusion, every sport has its own part of the game that is demanding whether physical or mental. Baseball takes the crown of the toughest sport as it requires players to deal with failure and make perfect and fast plays. On the other hand, soccer is arguably the most physically exhausting American sport and some teams dominate the game.

To understand the beauty of baseball and why it's better than soccer here are 25 reasons.

Sue Ayars
Sue Ayars

Wannabe travel fanatic. Freelance bacon fan. Incurable sushi trailblazer. Friendly music junkie. Infuriatingly humble zombie junkie.